How do I create a Stripe account?
When creating a Stripe account, it can be either connected to the individual's (tournament director's) bank account, or to the club's (business) bank account. There is no standard for this, so tournament directors will need to decide which bank account makes most sense to connect to.
You will also want to make sure that the login information is saved and ideally provided to the individual who is responsible for the finances.
Tournament directors are able to create a Stripe account directly through the tournament accreditation form by:
Step 1: Login to your US Squash account
Step 2: Go to the online tournament accreditation form by clicking here.
Step 3: Click the blue "Connect with Stripe" button at the top of the screen
Step 4: Enter all requested information - please note that you will need to provide bank account information such as account number and routing number
Step 5: Click the "Authorize access to this account" link at the bottom of the screen