Why does my seed not match where I was placed on the entrants list?
There are a number of reasons why a player's seed does not match where he or she was placed on the entrants list:
- Seeding Randomization is used when placing players on the draw. What his means is that a player's seed determines his or her seeding group. The players within each seeding group are then randomized and placed in the four positions for their seeding group (for example, the No. 7 seeded player could end up in any of the 5-8 seed positions after randomization).
- The entrants list is ordered by cut list points and the seeding is based on seeding points. While these calculations are very similar, there are slight differences. The main difference is that cut list points reference rankings from the Wednesday 2.5/3.5 weeks before the start of the tournament (timeline depends on tournament type), whereas the seeding points calculation references the rankings from the Wednesday 1.5 weeks before the start of a tournament. As a result of the differences in referenced ranking calculations, players could have played in new tournaments (which were not factored into the cut list points) or old tournaments could have expired (which are no longer factored into seeding points) in the intervening weeks, which could change the calculations for a number of players, thereby leading to a difference between cut list points and seeding points.
- Manual adjusted seeding for international players. In certain instances, such as a strong international player participating in a junior tournament, US Squash may adjust the seeding of individual players in order to maintain the fairness and balance of the draw. When making the decision on this seeding adjustment, US Squash looks at playing record, results against mutual opponents, and player rating.